Information Profile @ a
- Chickpea (Cicer arietinum) is a high value
pulse crop used almost entirely for human consumption Chickpeas are
grown in rotation with cereals.
- Chickpea seeds are eaten fresh as green
vegetables, parched, fried, roasted, and boiled; as snack food, sweet
and condiments; seeds are ground and the flour can be used as soup,
dhal, and to make bread; prepared with pepper, salt and lemon it is
served as a side dish.
- The large, white-seeded types, known as kabuli
chickpea or garbanzo bean, is a popular salad item
- The small, dark-seeded type, known as desi
chickpea, is used as split chickpea in dhal or ground into flour.
- Chickpea seed should be of sound quality with
high germination, purity and free of disease. Seed should be germination
tested before sowing.
- Chickpea leaves may prove to be an excellent
alternative food source in malnourished populations of the world, with a
mineral content that matches or exceeds spinach and cabbage.
- Chickpeas are rich in protein, complex
carbohydrates, and fiber, while low in fat and cholesterol Ascochyta
blight of chickpeas is caused by the fungal pathogen Ascochyta
- This disease is usually first noticed in late
winter when small patches of blighted plants appear throughout the
- Genesis 090 is a high yielding and widely
adapted small seeded kabuli chickpea with resistance to ascochyta
- Harvesting of chickpeas can take place when the
seed moisture is 18%.It may test dry after harvest, but it takes
some time for the moisture in the large seed to equalize across the
entire seed.
- Chickpeas mature in 3-7 months and the leaves
turn brown/yellow during maturity Chickpea or Chana, as it is popularly
know in India, is a native to the Middle East and has been grown
traditionally throughout the semi-arid regions of India and the
Mediterranean. Chickpea is the third most important pulse crop (after
dry bean and pea) and makes up for 20% of the world pulse
- Chickpea is used exclusively as food in many
countries, though it is used as livestock feed in Mexico.
- Major producers of chickpea include India,
Pakistan, and Mexico. Turkey, Mexico, Iran, Australia and Canada are the
main exporters.
- Mediterranean, South Asian and South American
countries are the main importers.
- North America has a small domestic market for
chickpea and chickpea products.
- Canada is the world’s largest producer and
exporter of peas and lentils and second largest producer and exporter of
chickpeas to an expanding market.
- Chickpea Leaves
- Chickpea
- Cicer arietinum
- Dryland Farming-Palestine
- Seed Sizing
- Starch-Protein Separation
- Temperature on Sorption Isotherms
- Ascochyta Blight-Resistance
- Ascochyta and Wilt Diseases-Duel Resistance
- Frost and Drought Stress
- Cross Breeding
- Plant Breeding Methodologies
- Intraspecific Linkage Map
- DNA Isolation Method
- Chickpea Production
- Production-Greece
- Kabuli Production - Ord
River Area
- Production -Turkey
- Design and Development
- Promotion-Bangladesh
- Production- High Plains
- Kyabra
- ICARDA and Sudan
- On-Farm IPM-Nepal
- Processing-Saskatchewan
- Production-Northern Plains
- Viscosity of Chickpea Flours
- Production-Jordan
Response of Cultivars
- Response of Cultivars
- Irrigation and Planting
- Influence of Salinity
- Seeding Date x Cultivar
- Growing Chickpeas Over Winter
- Growing Chickpeas
- Growing Chickpea-Northern Great Plains
- Contracts for Growers
- Seed Production Technology
- Effect of Soil Management Techniques
- Biochemical and Molecular Analysis
- Extraction of Bioactive
Research Strategy
- Alberta Pulse Research Strategy
- Algeria and ICARDA
- Impact of Chickpea Research-Gujarat
- Collaborative Research-China
- NDSU Carrington Research
- Canadian Pulse Research Strategy
- Chickpea Research
- Annual Departmental Report
- Country Report-Pakistan
- Genetic Transformation
- Natural Resources
Uses and Applications
- Genesis
- Benefits and Risks
- Trap Cropping
- Application Strategies
World Market
- Analyzing Global Markets
- New Benchmark-Kyabra
- Market Analysis
- Marketing
- Pulse Canada
- Regeneration and Transformation
- Potential Crop-Southwestern Colorado
- Turkey
- Market News
- New Crop Oportunities- Montana
- Improvements-Agriculture
- Pulse Crop Situation and Outlook-EU
- Pulse Agriculture-Saskatchewan
- Production and Price Risk Management
- Variable Costs
- Minimal Cost
- Counting the Cost
- Ascochyta Blight
- Early Maturity Strategies
- Chickpea 2004
- Disease Management
- Distribution of Mating Types-Turkey
- Fight Chickpea Disease
- Effect of Plant Age
- Seed Infection
- Production Guide
- Northern Idaho Fertilizer Guide
- Scouting and Foliar Fungicide
- Fertilizer Guidelines
- Disease Management
Marketing and Export in
- Chana
- India
- Agricultural Policies
- Production, Uses, and Exports
- Case of Chickpea
- India's Pulse Sector
Import and Export
- Canadian Farmers
- Garbanzo Beans
- Situation and Outlook
- Turkey
- South Asia
- Balonne Cotton Tales
- Beanstalk
- Biofertilizer-Bangaladesh
- Medicago
- The Pulse Industry
- Pulse Update
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