- Bermuda grass is the most important
lawn grass of the Sun Belt. It has all the essential characteristics a
lawn needs for those regions—heat and drought tolerance primarily. The
very aggressiveness of Bermuda is also it's key disadvantage. When
creeping Bermuda invades flower beds and ground cover, it's called
"devil grass" by frustrated gardeners. Bermuda grass is tough and fast
growing enough to be one of the most popular grasses for sports
- Bermudagrass (Cynodon
spp.) was introduced to the United States from Africa by 1751 . The high
growth rate of this genus provides it with rapid colonization in
disturbed areas and quick recovery from traffic damage caused in sports
activities. It was shown that if logarithmic growth rates could be
sustained for 1 year , then it would be possible for 1 m2 of grass to
cover an area equal to 50% of the land area of the world.
- Bermudagrass is a heavy
user of nitrogen, and a good turf requires regular applications.
Phosphates and potash in most Arizona soils are seldom limiting to
bermudagrass growth, and applications of them seldom give a response.
Unless initial seeding is in a very sterile, sandy, gravelly soil, it is
best to wait until seedlings are 1 to 2 inches high before fertilizing a
new stand since nitrogen may encourage rapidly germinating and growing
weeds while the bermudagrass seedlings are not yet ready to
- Tifton 85’ bermudagrass
is a relatively new hybrid with improved nutritive value and yield
potential compared to established hybrids such as Coastal bermudagrass.
Many studies have been conducted to determine the K requirements of
Coastal bermudagrass. Adams and Twersky showed that high levels of
available soil K reduced Coastal bermudagrass winter injury and
indicated that winter survival of this grass was favored by a high ratio
of applied K to N.
- Establishment of
bermudagrass is a major expense. Care should be taken to do everything
possible to ensure success. When planting an improved variety, any
common bermudagrass present should be sprayed with Roundup before
planting. There are many named varieties available, all of which can be
established with sprigs or fresh hay clippings.
- Bermudagrass grows
vigorously during the hot summer months when the field is being prepared
or renovated for the football season. It has excellent drought and heat
tolerance. Bermudagrass requires about 50 percent less water than
cool-season grasses during the hot summer months. It has excellent wear
tolerance and recovery when actively growing.
- Spring dead spot is a
destructive disease of common bermudagrass (Cynodon dactylon) and
bermudagrass hybrids (C. dactylon X C. transvaalensis) throughout the
northern range of its adaptation in the United States. It may occur on
bermudagrass fairways and putting surfaces of all ages, although it
typically appears 3-4 years after the turf has been established. The
disease results in the formation of circular or arc-shaped patches of
dead turf in early spring as bermudagrass breaks winter dormancy.
- The whole plant of
Bermudagrass is used for medicinal purpose, externally as well as
internally. Bermudagrass being haemostatic, refrigerant, healer and
beneficial for skin complexion, it is extremely beneficial, externally
in wounds, haemorrhages, burning sensation and dispigmentations of the
skin. The paste of leaves or their medicated oil is applied in traumatic
wounds and piles, with great benefit. In catarrhal conditions of the
eyes, the fresh fuice of the plants is instilled into eyes.
- World Feeder Bermuda
Grass is now a proven leader in forage solutions in the U.S.
agricultural industry. It provides superior quality hay and grazing,
with additional attributes of high yield, extreme cold tolerance and
winter hardiness, high protein, extreme salt tolerance, deep root
system, and, most importantly, high digestibility and palatability to
livestock under conditions that turn other grasses coarse and
- Potassium fertilization
increases Bermudagrass production per inch of rainfall received.It also
increases N use efficiency. This enables producers to get more benefit
from each dollar spent on N fertilizer, while minimizing the potential
for N loss to the environment. With optimum soil K levels, forage can
better withstand stresses from diseases, heat, and drought than where K
needs have been neglected.
- Information of
- The Lawn
- Durva
- Hybrid
- Cynodon dactylon
- Overview of Cynodon
- Photograph of Cynodon
dactylon Herbaceous Alliance
- Herbal monograph
- Origin and early history of
- Five reasons to go for
Bermuda grass
- Factsheet of Cynodon
Plantation and
- History of turf
- Bermudagrass seeding
and site preparation
- Steps to installing
- Growing Cynodon dactylon
- Growing and Storing of
Bermuda grass
- Bermudagrass
- Growing bermudagrass in
Phoenix Arizona
- Bermudagrass plantation
and cultivation in Hawai'i
- Bermudagrass plantation
in American lawns
- Bermudagrass
plantation in Florida Lawns
- Varities and planting
methods of Bermuda grass
- Bermudagrass
- Allied Seed LLC
- Oakland
- Pike Family
- Quail Valley Farm
- Wegmans Nursery
- World Feeder
International, Inc.
- BR Bock Consulting,
- Bermudagrass
- Frank Farage
- Fertilizer
- The Samuel Roberts
Noble Foundation, Inc.
- TifEagle for
- Rapid analysis of dry
turf grass seed
- Extraction of total
available carbohydrates from
grass and legume tissue
- Molecular
characterization of some turf grass cultivars
- Enzymatic hydrolysis of
Rye Straw and Bermudagrass
- Bermudagrass response
to high nitrogen rates, source, and season of application
- Response and nutrient
uptake in Bermudagrass
- Bermudagrass
- Establishing hybrid
- Establishing and
managing wrangler Bermuda grass
- Establishing seeded
Bermudagrass varieties
- Variety selection and
establishment of Bermudagrass
- Selection,
establishment, and management of forage Bermuda grass
- Herbicide options for
Bermudagrass establishment
- Varieties and
establishment of Bermuda grass
- Little philip no.1
- Bermudagrass named
- Method of rapid grass
- Modular grass turf tile
system and tray
- Bermudagrass plant
named 'premier'
- Formulation and process
for the selective control of bermuda and other grasses
- Weed and grass
- Patriot turf
- Changes in Polar Lipid
Fatty Acid Composition during Cold Acclimation in ‘U3’
- The effect of
Sulfonylurea (SU) herbicides on establishment of seeded
- Genetic diversity among
forage Bermudagrass
- Identification and
metabolic diversity of rhizobacteria from Bermuda grass
- Positive aspects of
weeds for agro-biodiversity conservation priorities
- Overseeding common
Bermudagrass with cool-season annuals
- Removal of perennial
ryegrass from overseeded Bermudagrass
- Bermudagrass response
to potassium sources and sulfur
- Bermudagrass sod growth
and metal uptake in coal combustion
- DNA fingerprinting of
seeded Bermudagrass cultivars
- Traditional medicinal
uses in India
- Bermudagrass for
Athletic fields
- Actions and uses of
- Bermudagrass
- The use of Cynodon
dactylon as soil cover for direct seeding in Madagascar
- At-planting herbicides
for Bermudagrass control in sugarcane
- Weeds in turf
- Identification,
distribution, and aggressiveness of spring dead spot pathogens of
- Bermuda grass as a
potential reservoir host for grapevine fanleaf virus
- Bermuda grass
integrated pest management
- Siduron control of
Bermudagrass in cool-season turf grasses
- Bermudagrass management
in the southern piedmont USA. II. soil phosphorus
- Problems associated
with warm season grasses
- Diseases of warm-season
- Insect pest management
on turf grass
- Planning arthropod pest
management through the year
- Turf grass pesticide
- Home pest prevention
and pest control service
- Texans for Alternatives
to Pesticides
Projects and
- Comparison and
determination of the effectiveness of micro soil
- Experiments for
extending the grazing season
- Bermudagrass
demonstration project
- Creating a genetic
roadmap for Bermudagrass
- Bermudagrass grassland
Project plan update
- Seedland
- Cultivars of
- Bermudagrass - A
history of the Weed and its control in Israel
- Literature review of
- Overview of world
feeder Bermudagrass
- Growing Bermudagrass in
- Removing unwanted
Bermudagrass in Kern country
- Competition between
corn and bermudagrass in relation to the crop plant
- Chromosome number in
Cynodon dactylon in relation to ecological conditions
- Distinguishing
off-types in Tifway and Tifdwarf bermudagrass
- Population dynamics of
the sting nematode in California turf grass
- Efficacy of aqueous and
methanol extracts of some medicinal plants for potential antibacterial
- Bermudagrass football
- Bermudagrass sprig heat
- In situ disappearance
of malate from alfalfa and Bermudagrass hay
- Pesticide downward
movement in a Bermudagrass system
- Pump-up Bermudagrass
production with potash
- Turf grass
- Sod seeding small grain
pasture into dry Bermudagrass
- Economics of a
stockpiled Bermudagrass grazing system
- Report of ergot of
Bermudagrass caused by Claviceps cynodontis in Oklahoma
- Element stewardship
abstract for Cynodon dactylon
- Ayurputra guide for
- Athletic field
maintenance calendar
- Guide to plant
- Guide to manage pests
in Bermudagrass
- Important things before
sprigging Bermudagrass
- FAQ's about
- Bermudagrass useful
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