Grouper Culture                                                                          Grouper Culture, Culture Technology, Projects, Market Prospects, Reports                                                                           Primary Information Services                                                    Home. Ordering Information. Contact

Project at a Glance

Contents on the CD Rom

  • Groupers are fish of any of a number of genera in the subfamily Epinephelinae of the family Serranidae, in the order Perciformes.
  • Grouper (Epinephelus spp.) locally called inid or lapu-lapu is a high value fish with great potential in aquaculture.
  • The grouper is a popular marine good fish in many parts of the world such as in Kuwait, Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, the
    Philippines, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Republic of China, Japan and Mexico.
  • Groupers are widely distributed in the tropical and subtropical coastal waters.
  • Site selection is the first and most critical step in establishing a grouper farm. Poor site selection can lead to failure.
  • Climate and weather in the area are important considerations as they affect water quality. The area should not be subject to abrupt
    changes in temperature and salinity.
  • The main objectives of pond preparation are to provide the culture organism with a clean hard pond base and appropriate stable water quality.
  • The demand for grouper in the international market is fast growing particularly in Hong Kong, Japan and Singapore.
  • The annual grouper fry/fingerling catch is estimated to be in the hundreds of millions of fish.
  • The major proportion of hatchery-produced grouper fingerlings originates in Taipei, China.
  • As production technology for groupers and other marine
    finfish species has improved, there has been increasing
    development of hatcheries and hatchery production of several
    species in Southeast Asia.
  • Recent improvements in hatchery production technology
    have resulted in an overall increase in the survival of grouper
    larvae in hatcheries, which has led to increased commercial
    hatchery production of several species, particularly orange-spotted grouper, brown-marbled grouper, and giant grouper.
  • Increasing market demand for groupers with assured quality
    (and food safety), produced using environmentally sound farming
    practices, will provide further incentives for LRFF farmers to adopt improved environmental management practices.
  • Atlantic Goliath grouper
  • Northern Most Occurence of the White Grouper, Epinephelus Aeneus (Perciformes: Serrandiae), in the Mediterranean Area
  • Score Card
  • Grouper (Lapu Lapu) Culture
  • Grouper - Info
  • Yellowfin Grouper

Grouper Culture

  • Grouper (Lapu-Lapu) Culture
  • What facilities are used in grouper culture?
  • Husbandry and Health Management of Grouper
  • Preliminary data on the culture of juveniles of the dusky grouper, Epinephelus marginatus
  • Review of grouper hatchery technology
  • Review of knowledge on Grouper aquaculture in South East Asia
  • Grouper pond culture in Khanh Hoa
  • Production of Recombinant Orange-spotted Grouper (Epinephelus coioides) Luteinizing Hormone in Insect Cells by the Baculovirus Expression System and Its Biological Effect
  • Recent Advances in induced breeding of the dusky grouper Epinephelus Margnitus
  • Species Profile Grouper Aquaculture


  • Pacific Islanders Gain Specific Know - How on Grouper Hatchery Techniques
  • Marine pond culture of grouper
  • Australian company brings first-ever mouse grouper growing technology to Hong Kong
  • Marine cage culture of grouper
  • Preliminary results in the breeding of 'dusky grouper
    Epinephelus marginatus
  • Culture Technique
  • Cage Culture of Grouper (Lapu-Lapu)


  • Consultants directory
  • Consultant from Malaysia
  • Consultant from Micronesia
  • Consultant from Phillipines
  • Expert
  • Spawning Aggregations of Groupers (Serrandidae) in Palau
  • Grouper breeding in Thailand
  • Komodo Fish Culture Project
  • Natural spawning of three species of grouper in floating cages at a pilot broodstock facility at Komodo, Flores, Indonesia
  • Grouper Culter Pilot Project

Market Prospects

  • Abundance in the Wild and Markets
  • Bright future for tiger grouper fish farming
  • Restaurant Demand for Fresh, Cultured Grouper in East Timor
  • Scope and Production
  • Seed supply for grouper cage culture in Khanh Hoa, Vietnam
  • The status of grouper culture in Southeast Asia
  • Competitivenss and Supply Chain Management Study on Taiwan Grouper Industry
  • Marketing and Exporting of Groupers in Thailand


  • Suppliers List - 1
  • Suppliers List - 2


  • New 1,000-pound grouper species discovered
  • Prevalence of Zoonotic Metacercariae in Two Species of Grouper, Epinephelus coioides and Epinephelus bleekeri, and Flathead Mullet, Mugil cephalus, in Vietnam
  • Grouper breeding yields returns
  • The Business of Lapu-Lapu (Grouper) Culture
  • A Brief Review of Grouper Reproductive Biology and Implications for Management of the Gulf of Mexico Gag Grouper Fisheris
  • Paleoshorelines and Spawning Groupers— Deep Diving at the Shelf Edge, Northeastern Gulf of Mexico
  • What causes cannibalization = associateds uffocation in cultured brown=marbled grouper, Epinephelus fuscoguttatus

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