- Copper(II) sulfate is
the chemical compound with the formula CuSO4. This salt exists as a
series of compounds that differ in their degree of hydration.
- The anhydrous form is a
pale green or gray-white powder, whereas the pentahydrate, the most
commonly encountered salt, is bright blue.
- The anhydrous form
occurs as a rare mineral known as chalcocyanite. The hydrated copper
sulfate occurs in nature as chalcanthite (pentahydrate),
and two
more rare ones: bonattite (trihydrate) and boothite
- Archaic names for
copper(II) sulfate are "blue vitriol" and "bluestone".
- Copper sulfate is
employed in organic synthesis. The anhydrous salt catalyses the
transacetalization in organic synthesis.
- Copper Sulphate
can be made by the action of sulfuric acid on a variety of copper(II)
compounds, for example copper(II) oxide. It may also be prepared by
electrolyzing sulfuric acid, using copper electrodes.
- Copper sulfate
pentahydrate is a fungicide. Mixed with lime it is called Bordeaux
mixture to control fungus on grapes, melons, and other berries.
- Copper Sulphate is used
as an herbicide is not agricultural, but instead for control of invasive
exotic aquatic plants and the roots of other invasive plants near
various pipes that contain water.
- Copper sulfate, a
product whose composition hasn’t changed significantly in the last half
century, is perhaps the most widely used algaecide in the country due to
its availability and its relatively low cost.
- Before, the cost of
copper sulfate has risen significantly, closing the price gap between
copper sulfate and chelated algaecides, so we are choosing this
opportunity to wean our lakes and ponds off this outdated
- Many retailers of
Wester Canada, were unable to obtain supplies of the product , making it
difficult for producers to access them in the
- There are reported to be more than One hundred
units in the country manufacturing Copper Sulphate, predominantly in the
small scale sector.
- The major demand for Copper Sulphate is as an
agrochemical. However,. there is
substitution feasibility for the product particularly with copper oxy
Any increased demand would take place due to greater level of usage of
product by more application and not necessarily by more area of crop.
Under the circumstances, the compounded growth in demand for
micronutrients can be considered to be in the region of 5-6% per annum,
on an average
General Information
- Information about CopperSulphate
- Facts about Copper Sulphate
- Description about Copper Sulphate
- Copper Sulphate solution
- General details of Copper Sulphate
- Company from Gandhinagar
- Company from Gujarat
- Company from Mumbai
- Company from India
- Company from Vapi
- Consultant from Bangalore
- Consultant from llinois
- Consultant from London
- Consultant from Maryland
- Consultant from Delhi
Process & Properties
Mechanism of the dissolution process
of copper in acidic copper sulphate solution at equlibrium
Copper Sulphate properties
Some Properties of Copper
Project Information
Project Profile
- sample
Expansion - case study
Recycling Plant
Copper Scrap suppliers
Sulphuric Acid suppliers
Using copper sprays to control
diseases in citrus
Corrosion and protection of lead
anodes in acidic copper sulphate solutions
- Copper treatments for Dugouts
Use of Elevated Levels of Copper
Sulfate to Eliminate Snails
Copper Sulphate Algicides for Swimming
pool use
- Suppliers of Copper Sulphate
- Manufacturers of Copper Sulphate
- Copper Sulphate Manufacturers
- Copper Sulphate Suppliers
- Selling leads of Copper Sulphate
MSDS & Product
- Copper Sulphate 35
- Copper Sulphate
- Copper Sulphate 5 H20 Lrg
- Copper Sulphate Solution
Copper Sulphate Pentahydrate CuSO4 x 5H2O
Basic Copper Sulfate
Copper Sulphate Pentahydrate
- Effect of copper
sulphate supplementation on performance of broiler chickens, cholesterol
content and fatty acid profile of meat
- Effect of Copper
Sulphate on assimilation of various substrata by soil fungi
Effects of elicitor and copper sulfate
on grindelic acid production in submerged cultures of Grindelia
The effect of copper sulphate addition
on the recovery of chromite in the flotation of UG2 ore
Effect of Selected Parameters on
Crystallization of Copper Sulphate Pentahydrate
Effects of Sphagnum peat and copper
sulfate on productivity of a Ferro-Humic Podzol
Effect of sulphuric acid and copper
sulphate concentrations on the morphology of silver deposit in the
cementation process
- Buyers List1
- Buyers List2
Sulphate report
Availability of Copper Sulphate
Products in Western Canada
Use of Hoof-Zink in a Footbath Alone
or in Combination with Copper Sulfate to Control Foot Rot and Hairy Heel
Warts on Dairy Cows
High copper
sulphate price irks arecanut growers
- Cutrine Plus vs. Copper Sulfate
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