- Steel scrap
recycling is of great significance to preserve natural resources
and protect the environment. Around
40 % of the steel produced stems from the recycling of steel
scrap by the electric arc furnace (EAF) process. The off gases
of this process are cleaned and 15 to 20 kg of filter dust are
collected per ton of steel produced.
- Zinc-coated
galvanized steel scrap is the most widely used feedstock for
Electric Arc Furnace (EAF) steel production
- During the EAF
process, the high temperatures required to melt the feed
material produce a zinc byproduct (EAF dust) that leaves the
furnace along with the off-gases. The gases are filtered and the
EAF dust is collected in bag houses.
- The U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency promulgated regulations during
the 1980s which listed emission control dust from the primary
production of steel in an electric arc furnace as a hazardous
- The total
volume of electric arc furnace (EAF) dust generated by steel
producers continues to grow.
- When producing
stainless steel by electric arc furnace or other metallurgical
processes - filter dust, mill scales and others residues,
containing a number of valuable but hazardous elements are
generated as a residue.
- The recycling
services of EAF Dust from stainless steel production and
residues contain nickel, chromium and molybdenum
- The
technologies applied are the submerged arc reduction smelting
and the plasma reduction smelting
- The steel dust
facility will produce zinc oxide and iron product as main
outputs of the recycling process
- Steel waste
recycling market on a worldwide level continues to grow as
authorities continue to step up regulatory pressure
- It is estimated
that out of 7.5 million tons of EAF dust generated yearly in the
world only 45% is recycled, mainly in the United States, Europe,
Taiwan and Japan.
- The chemical
composition of EAF dust samples was investigated by means of a
several different analytical methods. The results from the
chemical analysis show that the approximate order of abundance
of major elements in EAF dusts is as follows: Fe, Zn, Mn, Ca,
Mg, Si, Pb,
S, Cr, Cu, Al, C, Ni, Cd, As ETC
Dust formation in Electric Arc Furnace
- Metals
dust from electric arc furnace
- Recycling Hazardous Waste
Environment & Regulatory issues
- Environment friendly recycling
Environment impact assessment
- Hazardous Wastes Management and Minimization
- Regulatory complaisance
Portable steel dust remover
- Wear
condition of bearings
- Oil Steel
Dust checker
- Dust
checker manual
Zinc recovery
Zinc extraction - case study
Technology Source
- Processes - analysis
- Treatment of stainless steel dust & sludge
- Stainless Steel Dust Processing
- Smelting of stainless steel dust
- Established technology used to treat zinc containing materials
and residues
- Briquetting the steel dust
Additive for Concrete mix
Strength of masonry bricks.
Steel Dust Bricks
- Coating
Agent for Iron Ore Pellets
- Aluminium
Steel dust composite
Projects Information
Steel Dust Recycling Plant proposal
- Plant in
Saudi Arabia
- Plant views
- Plant in
- Company - Major Player
Technology Company
- Company contact
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