- Pomegranate is a fruit with
proven health benefits, it holds good quantities of vitamins,
potassium and antioxidant polyphenols. Moreover, research shows
pomegranate is effective in reducing heart disease risk factors,
risks of cancer and other maladies
- The pomegranate is cultivated
in large parts of the world, including Latin America, Southern
Europe, Asia and Africa. In the northern hemisphere,
pomegranates are typically in season from September through
February, while in the southern hemisphere, they are in season
from March through May
- Maharashtra state cultivates Pomegranate in largest area
followed by state of Karnataka , around 75 percent production of
entire country's production comes from these two states.
- Pomegranate is exported through sea route to Europe and
Middle East countries
- Europe is a net importer of fresh pomegranates
- Pomegrenates do not have their individual Harmonised System
(HS) code. They are included in the code for fresh fruit that is
not mentioned elsewhere: 08109075. Therefore, exact trade
statistics are not available.
- India and Iran are the largest producers of fresh
- Good commercial quality pomegranates come from Turkey,
Israel, Peru, Iran, Afghanistan, Syria, Morocco and Spain. In
the USA, pomegranates are cultivated in California and Arizona.
- Important consumer countries are Germany, Italy and Spain.
Industry Background
Identifying constraints and working out
action plan to increase exports of Pomegranate
Grading & Identification of Disease
in Pomegranate Leaf and Fruit
- Solapur Pomegranate
Production and supply of pomegranate in Iran
- Pomegranate supply chain
Market profile - Europe
- Importer from Netherland
- Trade Enquiries - sample
- Branding
- Trade Fair participation
- Consultant - Import information
- Consultant - Import Information
- Consultant - Trade Leads
Export Performance of the Industry
- Exports
from India - Recent Data
- Procedure for Exporting
- Exports from Turkey to USA
Exporter Profiles
Company - India
- Company - Surat
- Company - Mumbai
- Suppliers - India
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